Blended Worlds

Embark on a cosmic journey where art meets science in the groundbreaking exhibition, “Blended Worlds: Experiments in Interplanetary Imagination.” Developed by JPL, a NASA-owned federally funded research and development center and operating division of Caltech, in collaboration with the City of Glendale Library, Arts & Culture department (GLAC) and the Glendale Library, Arts and Culture Trust, this visionary showcase is part of the esteemed Getty’s PST ART initiative.

Discover “Blended Worlds” at the Brand Library & Art Center from September 21, 2024, to January 4, 2025. This exhibition is a cornerstone of the PST ART: Art & Science Collide, a regional celebration of the symbiotic dance between artistic creativity and scientific innovation.

“Blended Worlds” delves into the intricate tapestry of human connection with our expanding universe. It’s an inquiry into how empathy and interconnectedness can unveil new realms and foster inventive stewardship of them. The exhibition is a confluence of 11 visionary artists and JPL’s finest scientists and engineers, presenting a future where art enriches our bond with nature and ignites a rekindled fascination with our world and beyond.

Featuring luminaries like Larry Bell and Moon Ribas, alongside a constellation of other contemporary artists, “Blended Worlds” is a multidisciplinary odyssey. From Larry Bell’s reflective sculpture, Time Machine, to Moon Ribas’ rhythmic Seismic Percussion, the exhibition is a portal to a universe where art and science resonate in harmony.

Highlights of “Blended Worlds” include:

  • Larry Bell’s Time Machine: A sculptural dialogue between light, reflection, and identity, using technologies akin to those in space exploration.
  • Moon Ribas’s Seismic Percussion: A symphony of Earth and Mars’s seismic rhythms, transforming natural data into a captivating drum performance.
  • David Bowen’s Tele-present Wind: An immersive installation that synchronizes Earthly spaces with Martian winds, creating an interplanetary ballet of motion.

Join us for a constellation of public programs and community events, such as an evening of art, theater, and science with Reggie Watts, an original musical on climate research, and the family-friendly PST ART: Art + Science Festival.

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